
“I have some concerns about the current health and safety standards in my park. Neither management nor my neighbors seem all that worried about them. Which government agency is responsible for enforcing the health and safety of my community?”

-Bobby L. (58), resident, El Paso, TX


We’re sorry that your concerns about the health and safety of your community aren’t being properly acknowledged. In any case, the exact agency may differ from place to place, but generally, your state or county’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is responsible for enforcing health and safety regulations in your community.

The HUD has established regulations and guidelines to ensure that mobile home parks meet certain health and safety standards to protect the residents’ well-being. Some common issues that HUD regulations address in mobile home parks include sanitation, water supply, electrical systems, fire safety, and overall living conditions.

Contact your local HUD regional office to report the health and safety issues in the mobile home park. You can find the contact information for the regional office on HUD’s official website. Check to see if your office has a department for manufactured housing programs which specifically deals with issues related to mobile home communities.

This, in turn, can lead to necessary inspections and corrective actions to maintain a safe and healthy living environment for all residents.


  • The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is primarily responsible for health and safety regulations in mobile home parks.
  • Contact your regional HUD office to report health and safety issues in your park.