
“Can I pay my lot rent using Section 8 vouchers? Will the park owner accept them?”

– Marlon H, 32, Los Angeles, CA


Yes. A park owner must accept Section 8 rent vouchers as a valid means of payment.

The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits the owner of any housing accommodation from discriminating on the basis of source of income. (Gov. Code Sec. 12955.)

Senate Bill 329 states that: “a source of income means lawful, verifiable income paid directly to a tenant, or to a representative of a tenant, or paid to a housing owner or landlord on behalf of a tenant, including federal, state, or local public assistance, and federal, state, or local housing subsidies, including, but not limited to, federal housing assistance vouchers issued under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937.” (Gov. Code Sec. 12955(p).)

In addition, FEHA applies to mobile homes. FEHA defines a housing accommodation as “any building, structure, or portion thereof that is occupied as, or intended for occupancy as, a residence by one or more families and any vacant land that is offered for sale or lease for the construction thereon of any building, structure, or portion thereof intended to be so occupied.”

So, in conclusion, mobile homes qualify for Section 8 rent vouchers under the Fair Employment and Housing Act.


● The park owner cannot discriminate against the source of income including Section 8 rent vouchers.

Source: California Mobilehome Residency Law 2022