
“Can a resident park an RV or a motorhome on a lot space meant for a traditional mobile home? Is this legal?”

-David C. (40), resident, Hays, KS


It depends. The legality of placing motorhome vehicles or RVs on a mobile home lot can vary between zoning laws and individual park policies.

Some parks may have specific regulations or restrictions regarding the types of home structures that can occupy a lot space. For example, a park might require an RV owner to physically integrate the vehicle with the lot via a permanent foundation and/or utility connections. Additionally, parks may have restrictions on certain makes and sizes of motorhome vehicles that can occupy a mobile home space.

In some states, parks abide by strict local zoning laws, which dictate what specific land uses and structures may occupy an area of real estate. Consequently, zoning ordinances which classify mobile home parks as residential zones may have laws that restrict or have specific requirements for RVs in residential areas.

Lastly, mobile home parks constructed in recent decades sometimes require separate, designated spaces in the park for RV and motorhome residents. This also may vary between states and can depend on the date your park was manufactured.

Before you plan on moving an RV or motorhome into a park space intended for traditional mobile homes, you should contact the park management for any rules or restrictions that may apply. They will be able to confirm the relevant park policies and refer you to any zoning regulations which inform those decisions.


  • Some parks have policies specifying the types RVs which can occupy a mobile home space.
  • State zoning laws often influence whether a park can accommodate RVs/motorhomes in residential areas.
  • Parks may have separate, designated spaces for RV and motorhome residents.